Action 1.3 Identify the Sponsor, Likely Team Members and Process Intentent
To identify the sponsor for, and people who can contribute to, the team created to work on the process selected in the previous step. To identify the process intent, so that this can be of assistance in selecting the people.
A nominated team sponsor and a list of people who are to be invited to join the team.
How to do it
Nominate a sponsor who has an interest in the problem or opportunity and who will be willing to assist the team to implement changes and overcome constraints identified along the way. Get agreement from this person to participate as sponsor for this team.
Select the full time members of the team from people who:
work in the process
are customers of or suppliers to the process
are impacted on by the process
have been identified as supporting the process
Look to create a balanced team where the ‘full time participating’ members can bring a cross section of views from which the team will benefit.
Draw a macro deployment flowchart.
Use S-I-P-O-C to identify the customer(s) of the process; the supplier(s) to the process; people who work directly in the process; people who support the process in some way.
Brainstorm to develop a list of suitable people.
Team size is best kept to between 4 and 8 people.
Other people who could be of assistance to the team can be invited to work with the team on an ‘as required’ basis.
Pro tip:
Ensure that the sponsor agrees to participate in the early team meetings, particularly when the shared team purpose is being developed and the problem or opportunity is being defined. Keep the sponsor fully involved at each step the improvement process.